Что такое юзер коины в геометрии
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Что такое юзер коины в геометрии

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Collectibles are a major component of Geometry Dash Ultimate. The various types are used as either progress indicators or currency and contribute towards unlocking content such as achievements, icons, levels and secret content.

Stars are sole key component of GDU, they are used to determine how good of a player you are. Completing an Official or Online level gives you stars, if they are rated. Official level stars can go from 1-12, as well as 14 and 15. Online level stars can range from 1-10 stars, as well as 12, 15, 17 and 20 from Demons rated higher than Easy.

A total of 485 stars can be earned from completing official content:

  • 193 stars are rewarded for completing main levels, with up to 15 stars per level.
  • 247 stars are rewarded from completing map packs, divided between 185 level stars and 62 pack stars, with up to 12 stars per level and and 10 stars per pack.
  • 42 stars are rewarded from completing gauntlet levels, with up to 9 stars per level.
  • 3 stars are rewarded from completing the secret level, The Challenge.

Secret coins are a key collectible in GDU. They are used to unlock many achievements as well as unlocking 3 main levels (Bugged). Completing any Main Demon level with 3 coins can lend you a icon.

A total of 81 secret coins can be obtained:

  • 66 secret coins are rewarded for collecting the 3 within each official level in normal mode.
  • 12 secret coins are rewarded for completing map packs, 1 per pack or 2 for those of Demon difficulty.
  • 1 secret coin is found on the Coming Soon screen of the main menu slider after cycling through the levels three times over.
  • 2 secret coins are found by entering codes into vaults. One is for entering ‘sparky’ into the regular Vault. The other is for entering ‘glubfub’ into the Vault of Secrets through an extended process.
  • 12 secret coins were available from expired timed map packs, putting the total to 93 coins

User Coins are the user version of Secret Coins, where a player can place 3 of their own coins down to their levels. User Coin amount isn’t limited like Secret Coins are, as they grow in numbers when a new level is coin verified.

Upon submitting a user level that includes user coins, their color will initially start as bronze and they will not count towards a player’s user coin tally. After being verified by a level moderator, their color will convert to silver and count towards a player’s user coin tally.

User coins are visible to other players from a user profile and from the leaderboards.

Mana orbs are the main currency used in GDU within the Shops. Other than that, they are just there for the shows.

Mana orbs are accumulated by:

  • Making any amount of forward progress on levels that have received a star rating, accordingly scaled by this measure.
  • Opening the daily chests.
  • Opening chests from the Treasure Room.
  • Opening the chest after beating the weekly demon.

Diamonds are a collectible needed for couple of achievements, as well as unlocking the Secret Shop, Community Shop and the Vault of Secrets.

Diamonds are obtained by:

  • Opening the daily chests.
  • Completing the daily quests.
  • Playing the daily level (and completing it for bonus diamonds).
  • Playing the weekly demon.
  • Opening the chest after beating the weekly demon.
  • Opening chests from the Treasure Room.
  • Playing levels from gauntlets. (Not yet possible)

Keys are the required collectible to open chests. They are obtained trough Daily Chests or by surpassing a 500 orb interval.

Keys unlock the Treasure Room, and this is the only place that they can be viewed. One key opens a silver chest, while five keys open a gold chest. Even after opening all the chests, you still will be able to receive them.

There are also special coloured keys for which there is just one of each. Green, blue and orange keys are used to remove the locks in the Basement. After being obtained but before being used, there is no way to view which keys are in possession.

ShardsMenu01 ShardsMenu02

Shards, also known as Shards of Power, are a bonus collectible that unlocks various rewards, up to 100 Shards. The amount of Shards can be seen by pressing the Shard menu button in the Icon Kit. A section known as «Bonus Unlocks» are determined by how many Shards you have of each kind: Fire, Ice, Poison, Shadow and Lava.

Shards are obtained by:

  • Opening the large daily chest.
  • Opening chests from the Treasure Room.
  • Opening the chest after beating the weekly demon.
  • Completing the corresponding gauntlet. (Not yet possible)

The Demon difficulty rating was introduced in Update 1.0 along with their sub-ratings. Although not an actual collectible, the number of completed Demon difficulty levels can be viewed from the stats record. The number of completed Demon difficulty levels are visible to other players from a user profile and from the leaderboards. Completing demon levels in Normal mode contributes towards unlocking icons and achievements.

Sub-difficulties only provide an indication of difficulty and do not affect the statistic record.

Пользовательские монеты

Пользовательские монеты (англ. User Coins) — аналог обычных золотых монет для пользовательских уровней, который появился после обновления 2.0 и присутствует в Geometry Dash и Geometry Dash World. В редакторе карт можно поставить до трёх таких монет. По свойствам они аналогичны обычным.

Существуют две разновидности монет: серебряные и бронзовые. Бронзовые — изначальный вариант монет, который после сбора ничего не даёт. Однако если монеты подтвердит RobTop, то монеты станут серебряными, сбор которых учитывается для получения различных преимуществ.

Для того чтобы выложить уровень с пользовательскими монетами, нужно пройти этот уровень, собрав все эти монеты. Необязательно собирать все монеты за одно прохождение: можно собрать первую монету в первом прохождении, а две других, например, во втором прохождении.

  • 1 Применение
  • 2 Достижения
  • 3 Галерея
  • 4 Интересные факты

Применение [ ]

  • Получение достижений;
  • Прохождение квестов;
  • Открытие Хранилища за 10 собранных монет.

Достижения [ ]

Следующие достижения можно получить за сбор пользовательских монет:

Название Описание Награда
What are those!? Собрать 1 Волна 2
The journey begins. Собрать 10 Куб 49
I can’t stop! Собрать 20 Волна 4
Mom, get the camera. Собрать 30 Корабль 25
I feel rich! Собрать 40 Шар 16
What to by. Собрать 50 НЛО 13
I’ll get that for you Собрать 60 Куб 53
Piece of cake Собрать 70 Волна 6
We’re gonna need a bigger boat Собрать 80 Корабль 23
Got coins? Собрать 90 Шар 17
So. greed much? Собрать 100 Робот 6
MAX COINS! Собрать 110 Куб 56
Just kidding. Собрать 120 Волна 7
I think there’s one left Собрать 130 Корабль 21
Where did you get those? Собрать 140 Шар 11
So many shines. Собрать 150 Куб 52
Power level increasing Собрать 160 НЛО 17
Ultra mega coin catcher Собрать 170 Волна 10
Something that rhymes with coin Собрать 180 Корабль 22
Will you ever be satisfied? Собрать 190 Шар 18
Level up! Ultra Greedy. Собрать 200 Робот 4
Something funny about coins Собрать 225 Куб 99
Who makes these? Собрать 250 Первичный шоколадный
More coins, give reward Собрать 300 Паук 8
Much coin, very wow Собрать 350 Первичный травянистый
Who has this many coins? Собрать 425 Шар 29
Enough is enough Собрать 500 Куб 93
Stop collecting coins Собрать 600 Волна 22
Y u take all coin? Собрать 700 Робот 15
Can I have some? Собрать 800 Корабль 33
Congratulations, you have them all! Собрать 900 Шар 28
You have them all again! :0 Собрать 1000 НЛО 28

Галерея [ ]

Первый тизер, демонстрирующий ранний вариант пользовательской монеты

Первый тизер, демонстрирующий ранний вариант пользовательской монеты

Концепт пользовательской монеты

Концепт пользовательской монеты
Анимированная версия серебряной монеты
Анимированная версия концепта пользовательской монеты

Интересные факты [ ]

  • До версии 2.1 существовал баг с увеличением количества пользовательских монет — сохраняли всё, выходили с аккаунта и снова входили, получив дополнительные монеты, повторяли с начала. Таким образом можно было получить бан (запрещён доступ к глобальному рейтингу). В версии 2.01 всё исправили и всем людям вернули первоначальное количество пользовательских монет.
  • Существует уровень Dark Angel от игрока Rono, который не имеет звёзд, но имеет подтверждённые монеты.
  • На данный момент Verdant Landscape — сложнейший уровень с пользовательскими монетами.
  • Раньше были фанатские монеты (до выхода обновления 2.0), которые представляли из себя звезду внутри кольца, за их сбор ничего не давалось, т. к. это были просто декорации.
  • Бывают уровни, где хотя бы одна монета даётся для игрока прямо на пути прохождения или в конце. Некоторые называют эти монеты «free coins» (рус. бесплатные монеты).
  • Можно расположить монеты так, чтобы при сборе одной уже нельзя было взять остальные, и в таком случае для проверки придётся проходить 3 раза, каждый по одной монете.
  • С помощью читов в ранних версиях игры можно было сделать в уровне больше трёх монет; более того, это могли быть и золотые монеты, которые остальные игроки могли собрать и получить их на свой аккаунт.
    • Теоретически, в финале уровня можно сделать арт с получением нечётного количества монет больше 5 (для расположения по центру) или чётного при наличии двух монет или их отсутствия с эффектом получения монет, который будет неотличим от оригинала.
  • Вопреки стереотипу, оценка уровня не означает автоматическое подтверждение монет. Их можно подтвердить отдельной настройкой в меню оценки уровней.

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Что такое юзер коины в геометрии






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Easy User Coins + Levels


Want to unlock the vault? Here are some easy levels that you can get coins easily with!

Easy User Coins + Levels

Name: Paint Madness
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 14206606

Name: Paint on Track
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 14485066

Name: Paintgeist
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 14600672

Easy Levels

Name: Dark Pardise
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 11280109

Name: Dream Of Night
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 12640275

Name: The World
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 11630859

Name: ReTraY
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 6508283

Name: Lullaby
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 13506658

Name: Jessy
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 55283239

Name: Fika
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 50952421

Name: Frostbite
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 54476612

Name: Nostalgia
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 52195963

Name: Abre Tus Ojos
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 50341465

Name: Yousei
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 48049215

Name: Ongaku
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 49623654

Name: Domi
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 48049215

Name: Relaxation
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 49899508

Name: A Distand Melody
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 49924382

Name: Owo
Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 49219688

Rating: Easy
Stars: 2
ID: 11945914

Name: Danfins
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 49045979

Name: NRG
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 11214476

Name: FNAF 4 Nightmare
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 11007009

Name: Sad Ending
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 11389692

Name: The Lava Temple
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 11239705

Name: Rainbow Adventure
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 11818894

Name: Automoton
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 11436255

Name: Ghostbusters
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 10969316

Name: AlterRealm
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13421566

Name: Beyond
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13814194

Name: Adrift
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 9063899

Name: Cyber Dimension
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13638618

Name: Look Up
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13766767

Name: Note Streak
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13480854

Name: YujinsRosemery
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13833229

Name: Divinity
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13830405

Name: Mezmerized
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13771265

Name: Dace Flare
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13525735

Name: Nightma
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13635824

Name: Fallen Kingdom
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13623480

Name: Minimalism
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13896040

Name: SpaceBound
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13827773

Name: Cyber Dimension III
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 15353697

Name: Polargeist Plus
Rating: Normal
Stars: 3
ID: 13338743

Name: Pixels
Rating: Hard
Stars: 4
ID: 44911670

How To Collect Silver User Coins Geometry Dash

These are all the levels that offer easy Silver User Coins in Geometry Dash.

By Mansi Singh On Aug 4, 2023

How To Get Silver Coins In Geometry Dash

Silver Coins of Geometry Dash is one of many collectibles of the game. You need this verified user coin for making achievements, unlocking icons, and the Vault. The game’s level editor offers three types of coins: Blue, Bronze, and Silver. When you submit a level with User Coins, it starts as Bronze. And when it is verified, the color changes to Silver. Now, you need to be alert, while playing levels, as Bronze Coins are not counted in coin total. You can differentiate between Silver Coin levels and Bronze Coin levels by seeing the color of the Coins under difficulty emoji.

Best Levels to Collect Silver Coins in Geometry Dash

Best Levels to Collect Silver Coins in Geometry Dash

There are many online levels, so searching for Easy and Normal levels with Silver User Coins can be difficult. That is why, you should play these listed levels and get the coins with ease.

  • Fika by Hermargd (Easy)
  • Broom Journey by Saabs (Easy)
  • Lisa by Klafterno (Easy)
  • Future Life by Hermargd (Easy)
  • Wishless by Pawlogates (Easy)
  • Relaxing Paradise by Chuchitodomin (Easy)
  • Lonely by Danolex (Easy)
  • Retray by Dimavikulov26 (Easy)
  • Minimalism by Meeloz (Normal)
  • Empty Walls by Osiris GD (Normal)
  • Dreams by Abdula (Normal)
  • Quiaet by Neutronic (Easy)
  • Shakey Boss Fight by Flusester (Easy)
  • Candescent by Castrix (Easy)
  • Smooth by Xyle (Easy)
  • Less Than Three by Danzmen (Easy)
  • Negativo by Zerchdash (Easy)

If you have completed this list and want to collect more Silver Coins in Geometry Dash, then you should use Quick Search and Filters. To do that, go to the online level search screen and choose Most Liked or Most Downloaded. It will have many levels that offer coins. And if you want to search for only Easy and Normal levels, select Easy and Normal from the Filters section of the same screen.

With this, you can now get the bulk of Silver Coins in Geometry Dash. The game offers various levels, difficulty, and hidden secrets, so if you want to learn more about it, check out this Geometry Dash guide list. You can start by unlocking Chamber of Time and then get all GD Icons.

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