Feitian Rockey4 USB Driver
ROCKEY4 is an advanced software protection system that attaches to the parallel or USB port of a computer. Your software may be duplicated, but it will only run when your ROCKEY4 dongle is attached to the computer. Your application will interact with ROCKEY4 at start-up and during runtime, No Dongle means No License to execute your software. You can also limit the use of your software which is very common in the software industry for DEMO purposes or SHAREWARE.
ROCKEY4 keys have a unique ID number, 24 (Standard), 120 (Plus), or 1000 (ND) bytes memory, 16 / 64 (ND) internal variables (modules), the possibility to define own algorithms, a simple API, and an automatic protection of Windows executables (.exe, .dll, .arx).Various license models are easy to implement using these features.
Basic Specs:
Hardware specification
- 8 bit CPU chip, 8 pin. Specially made for ROCKEY4 according to your requirement.
- Designed for low power usage; the lowest voltage required is 2.2 voltage.
- Custom-built CPU, 1024 bytes capacity program memorizer, highly intelligent with lot of functions.
- Time limitation device to prevent software tracking.
Full Specs/Additional configurations
Show: Full Specs/Additional configurations
Hardware specification
- 8 bit CPU chip, 8 pin. Specially made for ROCKEY4 according to your requirement.
- Designed for low power usage; the lowest voltage required is 2.2 voltage.
- Custom-built CPU, 1024 bytes capacity program memorizer, highly intelligent with lot of functions.
- Time limitation device to prevent software tracking.
Hardware Password
- Unique Customer’s code for you, Passwords burnt into the CPU through OTP, even we cannot change after the burning. Unique Hardware’s ID Code for each dongle.
- Each Rockey4 has unique 32-bit ID code, 2 grades, 4 groups 16 bit Passwords and a customer ID code. You can write customer ID code using the second grade passwords (the last 2 passwords). Using one grade passwords, customer ID code can only be read, but cannot be written; arithmetic zone and module zone can only be read also, it can be written only using second grade passwords. These second grade passwords are not to be stored in the executable program to prevent Hacker rewriting the module contents and the arithmetic.
Hardware Arithmetic
- Self-defined arithmetic. You can define 32 terms of instruction. The hardware supports +, -, *, XOR, AND, OR,
- Seed code used to shift data and test software. Rockey4’s CPU offers seed code arithmetic, the input is 32 bit, and the output is 64 bit; Rockey4 self-defined arithmetic, the input is 64 bit, the output is 64 bit. Therefore, if Hacker want to find out the seed code arithmetic of Rockey4, he must have 32GB hardware space; and if he want to find out the self-defined arithmetic of Rockey4, he must have 67 times square of 2(147573952589676412928) bit hardware space. This is too big to achieve. You can see the high security level of Rockey4 dongles.
Hardware Environment
- Can be chained in series with other Rockey4 or any other Dongles. Supports parallel port scanner and parallel port cable connection of 2 PC. Rockey4 with the same code can be handled in series also. In theory, if the PC have enough power, 240 pieces of hardware can be handled in series, and in fact, the software supports 16 ROCKEY4 to be handled in series.
- According to IEEE1284 standard, no disturbance will occur to printer’s operation when it is connected with the printer.
Enveloper Encryption
- Enveloper encrypted DLL, EXE, ARX etc. directly without needing source of the program. Best compatibility; supports Windows 9x, NT, and all 32-bit Windows programs. If you combine it with API, the security will be better.
- Data File encryption is currently under development. Please check back regularly for latest updates.
Драйвер ключа защиты rockey для windows 10
Скачать последние версии драйверов на FEITIAN ROCKEY4 USB для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows 11, 10, 8 и 7 (32 и 64 бит).
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Windows Vista , 7 , 8 , 8.1 , 10
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Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе FEITIAN ROCKEY4 USB (сетевые устройства).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на FEITIAN ROCKEY4 USB для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.
Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11
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Rockey r5smc драйвер windows 10
Дистрибутив поддержки электронного USB-ключа «MS_KEY K Metal» для СКЗИ «Крипто Про CSP» можно скачать с официального сайта MultiSoft https://multisoft.ru/ или по ссылке ниже:
Драйвера для eToken
Дистрибутив поддержки электронного USB-ключа «eToken» для СКЗИ «Крипто Про CSP» можно скачать с официального сайта eToken http://www.aladdin-rd.ru или по ссылке ниже:
Драйвера для ruToken
Дистрибутив поддержки электронного USB-ключа «ruToken» для СКЗИ «Крипто Про CSP» можно скачать с официального сайта rutoken http://www.rutoken.ru или по ссылкам ниже:
Драйвера для JaCarta PKI/ГОСТ SE
Дистрибутив поддержки электронного USB-ключа «JaCarta PKI/ГОСТ SE» можно скачать с официального сайта JaCarta http://www.aladdin-rd.ru или по ссылке ниже:
Драйвера для MS Key
Дистрибутив поддержки электронного USB-ключа «MS-key» для СКЗИ «Крипто Про CSP» включает:
Дистрибутив Криптопровайдера «КриптоПро CSP» можно скачать с официального сайта компании ООО «Крипто-Про»http://www.cryptopro.ru или по ссылке ниже:
КриптоПро CSP (для Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2012/8/8.1/10)
Средство криптографической защиты информации (версий 3.6/3.9/4.0), разработанное ООО «Крипто-Про».
Решение проблем с сетевым ключом защиты для Штрих-М: Торговое предприятие 5
Первый раз я столкнулся с такой проблемой при переходе на новую платформу.
При запуске конфигурации появилось окно
После сбора информации на различных ресурсах нашел много полезного, этой информацией пользуюсь до сих пор.
Сам ключ выглядит так
Проще всего переустановить драйвер ключа Rockey.
Но можно проверить следующее:
1) Лампочка на ключе должна гореть ровным светом, если лампочка на ключе моргает – это говорит о том, что не установлен драйвер ключа.
2) Выключите на всех ПК в сети: службы Брандмауэров, файрволов, антивирусов со встроенными файрволами.
3) Rockey по умолчанию используют порт 3251 или 3252, а эти порты в Windows по умолчанию блокируются, так же они блокируются файрволами. Проверьте работу этих портов в ОС, пропишите их на роутере.
На Сервере ключей:
2) Если Вы не обнаружили службу в трее, ее можно найти в службах вашей ОС, служба FTSafeNetRockeyService4.0 и перезапустить.
На ПК пользователя:
1) Удостоверьтесь, что в Bin каталоге текущей платформы 1С есть файлы ключа защиты:
Работает как для 8.2 так и для 8.3
2) Так же в файле Clicfg.ini, в разделе TCPUDP, строка SearchList можно прописать прямое обращение к «ПК серверу ключей». Прописывается или NBName сервера (имя компьютера в сети) или его IP адрес.
3) Для отключения широковещательного опроса по сети необходимо выставить соответствующий флаг в строке SearchFlag: 0 – Поиск включен; 1 – поиск по заданному параметру SearchList.
Rockey r5smc драйвер windows 10
በዚህ ጊዜ ሶፍትዌራችን በጣም ፈጣንና የተሻለ ግንዛቤ ያለው ሁኗል። ዛሬ በአለም ዙሪያ ባሉ በጣም ፈጣን በሆኑ ሰርቨሮች የሚገኘው DriverPack በአለም ትልቁ የድራይቨር መዝገብ ቤት ሁኗል። የድራይቨር መጫን ስራውን በጣም ፈጣንና ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ለማድረግ የመረጣ ስርአቱን የበለጠ ፈጣንና ትክክለኛ የሚያደርጉ የ Machine Learning ቴክኖሎጂዎችን እንጠቀማለን። ይህንን ሁሉ ስራ ሶፍትዌሩ ከክፍያ ነጻ መሆኑ እንደተጠበቀ መስራት ችለናል፤ እናም ሁሉም ሰው መጠቀም ይችላል።
Its history has lasted for more than 20 years. Opera Software participates in developing web standards within W3C project. More that 350 million people worldwide use Opera products.
Its headquarters is located in Oslo, the capital of Norway.»,»partners_landing-text-yandex»:»Yandex is a global developer of the search engine and popular Internet services of the same name.
In Russia, where Yandex comes from, its share among the search engines makes 56.4% (according to Yandex.Radar, for March, 2018). This company is one of the few who successfully withstands competition with Google, the search giant.
Its headquarters is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia.»,»partners_landing-text-avast»:»Avast Software is a global developer of software in the field of information security.
It releases the world most popular free antivirus. The software from Avast prevents 1.5 billion attacks against computers and the web every month.
Its hearquarters is located in Prague, the capical of Czech Republic.»,»cloudpagefaq_remove_soft-q»:»ለምን ነው DriverPack Cloud አንዳንድ ሶፍትዌሮችን ከኮምፒውተሬ እንዳስወግድ የሚገፋፋኝ?»,»cloudpagefaq_remove_soft-a»:»ዝቅተኛ የአድናቆት ነጥብ ያላቸው ሶፍትዌሮች ብዙውን ጊዜ አድዌር ወይንም ቫይረሶች ናችው። ለዚህም ነው DriverPack Cloud እንዲያስወግዷቸው የሚመክርዎት። የአድናቆት ነጥቦቹ የተጠቃሚዎቻችንን ምርጫ መሰረት ያደረጉ ናቸው — ይህን ወይንም ያንን ሶፍትዌር ባስወገዱ
Rockey r5smc драйвер windows 10
V tem času je naš program postal izredno hiter, stabilen ter pametnejši. Danes ima DriverPack najobsežnejšo zbirko unikatnih gonilnikov na svetu, ki so dosegljivi na ultra hitrih serverjih po vsem svetu. Da bi bil sam postopek nameščanja gonilnikov čim hitrejši in brez napak uporabljamo najnovejšo in najmodernejšo tehnologijo strojno učenje pomaga našemu izbirnemu logaritmu pri izbiri gonilnikov, tako da je ta še boljši in natančnejši. Vse to smo dosegli na način, da je program ostal brezplačen za vse vas končne uporabnike in dostopen vsakomur po svetu.
Its history has lasted for more than 20 years. Opera Software participates in developing web standards within W3C project. More that 350 million people worldwide use Opera products.
Its headquarters is located in Oslo, the capital of Norway.»,»partners_landing-text-yandex»:»Yandex is a global developer of the search engine and popular Internet services of the same name.
In Russia, where Yandex comes from, its share among the search engines makes 56.4% (according to Yandex.Radar, for March, 2018). This company is one of the few who successfully withstands competition with Google, the search giant.
Its headquarters is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia.»,»partners_landing-text-avast»:»Avast Software is a global developer of software in the field of information security.
It releases the world most popular free antivirus. The software from Avast prevents 1.5 billion attacks against computers and the web every month.
Feitian Rockey4 USB Driver
Also Known As
Drivers for Operating System(s)
ROCKEY4 is an advanced software protection system that attaches to the parallel or USB port of a computer. Your software may be duplicated, but it will only run when your ROCKEY4 dongle is attached to the computer. Your application will interact with ROCKEY4 at start-up and during runtime, No Dongle means No License to execute your software. You can also limit the use of your software which is very common in the software industry for DEMO purposes or SHAREWARE.
Hardware specification
8 bit CPU chip, 8 pin. Specially made for ROCKEY4 according to your requirement.
Designed for low power usage; the lowest voltage required is 2.2 voltage.
Custom-built CPU, 1024 bytes capacity program memorizer, highly intelligent with lot of functions.
Time limitation device to prevent software tracking.
Hardware specification
8 bit CPU chip, 8 pin. Specially made for ROCKEY4 according to your requirement.
Designed for low power usage; the lowest voltage required is 2.2 voltage.
Custom-built CPU, 1024 bytes capacity program memorizer, highly intelligent with lot of functions.
Time limitation device to prevent software tracking.
Hardware Password
Hardware Arithmetic
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ROCKEY4 updater1 2019-01-17T02:19:39+00:00
Smart Card Chip based Software Protection Dongle
ROCKEY4 is an innovative software defense system that affixeds to the parallel or USB port of a computer system. Your software application might be replicated, however it will just run when your ROCKEY4 dongle is connecteded to the computer. Your application will connect with ROCKEY4 at start-up and during runtime, No Dongle indicates No License to execute your software. You can also limit the use of your software which is very typical in the software market for DEMO functions or SHAREWARE.
When it come to software application designers providing multiple modules, ROCKEY4 permits you to safeguard approximately 16 applications per dongle at any one time (ROCKEY4ND now support 64 modules). Because every ROCKEY4 dongle has an one-of-a-kind ID, software designers can even limit the application to just permit to execution with a certain dongle.
Unlike some competing products, ROCKEY4 is in fact a powerful mini computer system, with a CPU, memory and specialized firmware that permits durable communication with your application. You may write algorithms that are firmly stored in the dongle, and then call those algorithms from time to time in your application. This method for software application protection is virtually impossible to crack. Although made for high level protection, it is likewise fairly simple to carry out.
Why Rockey4?
Low Cost
Why pay more when you can get something better at a cheaper price. ROCKEY4 costs you 50% or less than most of the competing Dongles available in the market. With ROCKEY4, you do not need to employ expensive software security experts but still enjoy high security on your software.
High Reliability
ROCKEY4 is built under a perfect customer management system in which every customer is guaranteed to own a unique password, and every dongle come with a unique hardware ID. Both the password and hardware ID are burnt into the CPU inside the dongle, it is absolutely impossible to change them, even for us – the manufacturer. On the other hand, with our high level of Quality Control during production, we are maintaining less than 0.5% faulty rate which is much more lower than the industry standard.
Protection across networks
ROCKEY4 is a well designed software protection system that comes with user friendly interface and useful sample source codes in most programming languages, so that you will have no difficulty learning how to integrate it into your software application. In most cases, just within few days a programmer can become the master of using ROCKEY4.
High Security
ROCKEY4 implements two-level security system to segregate users who need read only access from those who need administrative privileges. To combat hackers, ROCKEY4 has a built-in time gate to prevent software tracking and debugging on its protection system. In addition, ROCKEY4’s protected memory + user defined algorithm works within the dongle and is almost impossible to crack.
High Compatibility
ROCKEY4 LPT dongle is not only transparent to printers, scanners, but can also be cascaded with up to maximum of 16 dongles, even from other manufacturers. ROCKEY4 is also designed to process even very complex algorithms with minimal delay for your application. Broad support of ROCKEY4 include Operating Systems like DOS, Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP/ Server/Vista, Linux, and Mac; thus enables you to implement it onto almost any platform available in the market.
Product Detail
- Powerful CPU + Secure momory + User define Algorithms = Secure Program Calculator
- 2 levels 4×16-bit Password System
- Globally Unique Hardware ID
- Fully support IEEE1284 for maximum LPT compatibility applications
- Protect upto 16 software modules with a single dongles
- Built-in 24 bytes User Data Zone
- 32 User Definable Algorithms
- Support upto 16 ROCKEY4 dongles on the same PC
- Low level encryption to prevent Emulation and Play Back Hacking
- Time Watch Dog prevents Tracing Attack
- Password Protect System prevents Brute-Force Attack
- Ready tool include Enveloper, Editor, Data Recorder and Remote Update
Product Memory | ||
Memory Zone | Memory Zone Description | Rockey4 |
User ID Zone | User defined identifier | 32-bit |
Module Zone | Non-readable memory spaces (16) Used with arithmetic calculations | 16 modules (16-bit) |
Zero Attribute | Indicates if a module is “0” or not “0” | 16 modules (2-bit) |
Decrement Attribute | Indicates if a module can be decreased | 16 modules (2-bit) |
User Data Zone | User defined memory space | 24-byte |
User Algorithm Zone | Instruction storage for user defined algorithms | 32-instructions |
Product Hardware Specification | |
Interface Type | USB Type A, LPT |
Interface Standard | Standard USB 1.1. USB 2.0 compliant |
Processor | 8 bits CPU |
Protection Mechanism | Envelope tool |
Working Temperature | 0°C to 70°C |
Storage Temperature | -10°C to 80°C |
Cascade | Up to 16 |
Power Consumption | |
Working Voltage | V |
Working Current | |
Data Retention | At least 10 years |
Supported OS | Windows, Linux and MAC |
Latest Software Developer Kit (SDK) | ||
Detail | Size | Date |
ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 Complete SDK | Request |
API Libraries & Sample Source Codes: | ||
Detail | Size | Date |
ROCKEY4 API Samples for DOS | Request | |
ROCKEY4 16 bit API Samples for Windows | Request | |
ROCKEY4 32 bit API Samples for Windows | Request | |
NetROCKEY4 API Samples for Windows | Request |
This FAQ or frequently asked questions section will help you resolve some questions you or your customers may run into when using ROCKEY4 Software Protection products. We have listed the questions and the answers here for your reference.
The Developer’s Kit or DK is a preset package we send to developers for the purpose of evaluation. It includes one Developer’s Guide, SDK CD-ROM, and DEMO ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles. The only difference between these DEMO dongles and the commercial dongles is that their passwords are publicly known. When the user decides to purchase and use ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 after evaluation, we will provide ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles with secure and unique passwords.
The purchase code is intended for order management. You should use it if you need to reorder dongles with the same passwords as your previous order. This Purchase Code is unique for all of ROCKEY’s customers.
ROCKEY’s manufacturing process guarantees that each ROCKEY4 dongle is unique. The Hardware Identifier (HID) is a globally unique serial number that is burned into each dongle and cannot be changed by anyone, including the manufacturer. Passwords are specific to a customer and cannot be duplicated for another customer. It is our mission to protect the assets of our customers and we will requre separate security agreement with our customers if required.
Yes, it is very secure. The ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 password is actually a set of four individual passwords that authorize two security levels. The two Basic passwords authorize read-only access to the dongle. Read and Write access is authorized only with the combination of the Basic and Advanced password sets. The Advanced password set is meant for the developer and should not appear in the software that goes to the end user.
Each Dongle has 4 16-bit passwords. If a hacker wants to crack the dongle by exhaustion, the number of possible combinations is 264. If one computation takes 10-20 seconds, it would take 58 years to try every combination.
“Same-number” ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles are a set of dongles that have the same passwords. There will be a Purchase Code that corresponds to the “same-number” dongles. Most of our customers have all their respective dongles share the same password, so that they only need to compile their programs once before distribution.
The simplest way is to order new dongles with new passwords. Another way is to provide proof that you are the legitimate holder of the purchase code. Only the legitimate purchase code holder may obtain the passwords from ROCKEY.
ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 operates the parallel port through the device driver, and uses error correction technology at the communication protocol level. Therefore, it is compatible with most printers. However, there are a few models of printers that receive a large amount of current or electricity when powered off. This can cause a voltage shortfall to the dongle and result in a communication problem with the dongle driver. This problem can be easily solved by turning on the printer or removing the printer cable from the dongle.
- The older version of the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 drivers only supported normal printing modes. The newer version support normal, EPP and ECP modes. Be sure you are using the latest version of our driver. You may download the driver from our product page download section. Another solution to this problem would be to simply switch to the USB version of the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle. There is no extra programming required to switch to USB.
- The compatibility of the LPT dongle and printer may be enhanced by setting the port in the CMOS or BIOS setup to EPP or ECP. An example using the AWARD system BIOS is given below:“Reboot the computer, press the DEL key to enter CMOS Setup. Select the menu option “INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS”. Then use either PAGEUP or PAGEDOWN key to change the “Parallel Port Mode” option.”
There are emulation programs that record all of the port accesses between the dongle and the driver. The emulation software then attempts to replicate the accesses after the dongle is removed. ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 has built in countermeasure for this sort of emulation. Lower layer communications between the dongle, driver and application is encoded. There is also “random noise” applied to the protocol communications so that any information recorded by the emulation program will be invalid from session to session. In addition, emulation software of this type will not work with USB devices. You may implement your own countermeasures to enhance this protection. The judicious use of seed code protection methods will make such attacks very difficult to implement successfully.
It is quite easy to prevent data sharing devices from doing this. Just generate a random number when the program starts, and write this number in a specific address in the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle, then check for the number in that specified address when the program is running or executing to see if it is the same number you have written. If another computer is also running the program during this period, and is using the same dongle, another random number would have been written to this address.
No. According to the results of our tests, the performance difference between the simplest algorithm and the most complex is within a dozen milliseconds. You will not notice any difference as long as you do not call the algorithm too frequent.
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. Now it is a very common interface standard and is already implemented in many devices. Please visit www.usb.org for more details. Its advantages include plug and play capabilities, hot-swap support and high transfer rate. It can support up to 127 USB devices connected through extensions. USB eliminates conflict problems with printers and other peripheral devices.
No. They are fully compatible, other than the requirement that you install the USB drivers. The USB device will prompt you, automatically, to install the driver.
It may be caused by interference or bad contact points. Try unplugging the device and then plugging it in again.
It is possible that the USB support option inside the BIOS has been disabled. You can enable USB support in the CMOS functions menu when your computer is booting up.
If you are using or testing ROCKEY products, we will send our updates to you when there are any. You may also download the latest development packages and updates from our product page download section.
There are 4 possible causes for this:
A: The printer attached to ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 is powered off.
If a printer or any other peripheral device is attached to the parallel port ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4, you should turn the power of that device on. ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles require a voltage of about 2.2 volts, and this power is supplied by the mainboard through the parallel port so if a peripheral device is attached to the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle, the dongle may not receive enough power to be activated.
B: ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 does not support the parallel mode.
The diversity of computers leads to many different parallel modes, ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles support most modes, but for some special modes it is possible that the system cannot find ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4, or ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles do not work well with them. What you need to do is change the parallel modes, eg. set the port mode in the CMOS setup to ECP. If the operating system is Windows NT/2000, you may have to reinstall the system after you have changed the parallel port modes.
C: The drivers are not properly installed.
ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 requires the installation of drivers, so the settings of drivers may affect the operation of ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4. There are 4 options when installing the drivers: “Install ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 USB driver”, “Detect-print-busy mode” and “Not-detect-print-busy mode”, we suggest users to choose “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, and “Detect-print-busy mode”. In Windows NT/2000 only the administrator has the privilege to install drivers.
D: ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 is not compatible with other devices.
The parallel port was not designed to connect many devices at the same time, and in theory only one device can be attached to the parallel port at any one time. With the users in mind, ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 was designed to allow the standard devices, such as printers and scanners, to attach to it, but we cannot guarantee that ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 is compatible with all these devices. Unplug the device attached to ROCKEY/NetROCKEY to see if it is a compatibility problem.
Perhaps the drivers are not properly installed. Please refer to solution C for Question 18.
The indicator LED may help you to find the reason for this. If the indicator is bright all the time, it indicates that the dongle works well; if it blinks once every second, it indicates that the drivers are not properly installed or something is wrong with the USB port, or the dongle is defective. If the indicator is not bright and the system prompts “Found USB Device”, it indicates the dongle is defective, otherwise there is a bad connection or something is wrong with the USB port.
To check the USB port: when you first attach ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 to the computer the system should prompt “Found USB Device” and install the drivers for it, otherwise the USB port might have problem, which is usually caused by incorrect installation of the drivers for the USB controller or the USB function is disabled in CMOS setup, or there is a hardware failure in the USB port of the mainboard. You should test the USB port with another USB device, such as a USB mouse.
Because the parallel or LPT port ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 works between the computer and peripheral device, it is affected by both of them. The number one cause for ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 damage is because of over-voltage. In order to avoid damage by this, you should make sure that the ground wire is connected to the ground, and it is also connected to the computer casing. When you connect the devices together, you should turn off the power in advance. If you cannot connect the ground wire to the ground, then you should turn off the power and unplug the power plugs in advance to avoid power operation problems.
When users have several applications protected with different ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4s, they may cascade these dongles together. In most cases there is no problem for them to work together, but sometimes when you try to use one application you are given the message “Can not find ROCKEY”.
When system sends its request to ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4, a value will be returned to specify the next operation. If several dongles are cascaded, every dongle will receive the request and respond to it, so it is possible the return signals interfered one another, making the system confused, thus make it cannot recognize the dongle.
If restarting the computer solves this problem, it indicates that you did not set a value for p3 and p4 when you wrote the program. So after a period of time it returns the error “Too many dongles opened”, and you cannot open it again. Set a value, such as “0”, to p3 and p4 to resolve this problem. If restarting your computer does not resolve the problem, then some of the possibilities are: the dongle is defective, your computer is infected with a virus, the parallel port settings have been changed, some other device is attached to the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle, or the system has been reinstalled.
This section provides some troubleshooting suggestion related to technical support issues arises from end user implementation on ROCKEY4.
Useful Tips for Diagnosing ROCKEY4 problems, please try below before proceed to the FAQs.
Step 1 : Unplug ROCKEY4 dongle from PC, uninstall ROCKEY4 driver completely and reboot the system.
Step 2 : Reinstall ROCKEY4 driver, please make sure you are using latest ROCKEY4’s driver, to download click download tab above.
Step 3 : Plug ROCKEY4 to the PC and run ROCKEY4 Editor to change on the dongle, if ROCKEY4 is found, then ROCKEY4’s driver is working fine. Else uninstall -> reboot -> reinstall -> reboot then repeat Step 3. If problem, try with another port or PC.
For the error -1, it means that the error is an unknown error, but it is not serious, such as when a PC hangs or freezes, you only have to restart it and if that does not solve the problem you have to look for alternative solutions.
There can be several possible causes for this:
A: The printer attached to ROCKEY4 is powered off.
If a printer or any other peripheral device is attached to the parallel port ROCKEY4, you should turn the power of that device on. ROCKEY4 dongles require a voltage of about 2.2 volts, and this power is supplied by the mainboard through the parallel port, so if a peripheral device is attached to the ROCKEY4 dongle, the dongle may not receive enough power to be activated.
B: ROCKEY4 does not support the parallel mode.
The diversity of computers leads to many different parallel modes, ROCKEY4 dongles support most modes, but for some special modes it is possible that the system cannot find ROCKEY4, or ROCKEY4 dongles do not work well with them. What you need to do is to change the parallel modes, eg. set the port mode in the CMOS setup to ECP or vice versa. If the operating system is Windows NT/2000, you may have to reinstall the driver after you have changed the parallel port modes.
C: The drivers are not properly installed.
ROCKEY4 requires the installation of drivers, so the settings of drivers may affect the operation of ROCKEY4. There are 4 options when installing the drivers: “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, “Detect-print-busy mode” and “Not-detect-print-busy mode”, we suggest users to choose “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, and “Detect-print-busy mode”. In Windows NT/2000 only the administrator has the privilege to install drivers.
D: ROCKEY4 is not compatible with other devices.
The parallel port is not designed to connect many devices at the same time, and in theory only one device can be attached to the parallel port at any one time. With the users in mind, ROCKEY4 was designed to allow the standard devices, such as printers and scanners, to attach to it, but we cannot guarantee that ROCKEY4 is compatible with all these devices. Unplug the device to see if it is a compatibility problem.
E: ROCKEY4 is not compatible with certain PCI-based Parallel Add-on cards
Another issue is that ROCKEY4 LPT cannot work with certain PCI-based parallel port cards. ROCKEY4 will treat the card as a sort of hack attack and therefore refuse to communicate with it or the card does not supply enough power to the dongle for it to operate efficiently. If this is the case, we suggest using a USB port ROCKEY4 instead.
F: There may be a driver or software conflict on the system
Sometimes, the PC drivers may be conflicted or it may be conflict with any of the programs although this is highly rare. Solution: Restart the PC and run the program again. If it still cannot run, try starting up the PC with minimal drivers and programs and check to see if it can run. If it can, this means that it is a software conflict.
G: Driver is busy
This error can occur when the driver or dongle is busy and/or communications between the dongle and PC are interrupted. To rectify this situation, you can add a loop to your program when checking for the dongle. This will ensure that the program will check for the dongle more than once and be able to recognize it properly.
ROCKEY4 requires the installation of drivers, so the settings of drivers may affect the operation of ROCKEY4. There are 4 options when installing the drivers: “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, “Detect-print-busy mode” and “Not-detect-print-busy mode”, we suggest users to choose “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, and “Detect-print-busy mode”. In Windows NT/2000 only the administrator has the privilege to install drivers.
The indicator LED may help you to find the reason for this. If the indicator is lit all the time, it indicates that the dongle works well; if it blinks once every second, it means drivers are not installed or something wrong with the USB port; otherwise the dongle is defective. If the indicator is not lit at all and the system prompts “Found USB Device”, it indicates the dongle is defective, otherwise there is a bad connection or something wrong with the USB port.
To check the USB port: when you first attach ROCKEY4 to the computer the system should prompt “Found USB Device” and install the drivers for it, otherwise the USB port must have a problem, which is usually caused by the incorrect installation of the drivers for the USB controller or the USB function is disabled in CMOS setup, or there is a hardware failure in the USB port of the mainboard. You may test the USB port with another USB device, such as a USB mouse.
ROCKEY works fine with most USB hubs. On rare occasions the dongle may not be detected through the hub due to inadequate output voltage. Please check the integrity of the USB port by trying a different USB device in the same port. For USB 2.0 hubs in particular, please make sure that the power supply is connected.
It may be caused by interference or bad contact points. Try unplugging the device and then plugging it in again.
It is possible that the USB support option inside the BIOS has been disabled. You can enable USB support in the CMOS functions menu when your computer is booting up.
Although the file RYDLL32.DLL is under the same directory as the program, FoxPro and VB programs will only search for DLLs under the system directory, so you should copy the file RYDLL32.DLL into the system directory.
When users have several applications protected with different ROCKEY4s, they may cascade these dongles together. In most cases there are no problem for them to work together, but sometimes when you try to use one application you are given the message “Cannot find ROCKEY”.
- When the system sends its request to ROCKEY4, a value will be returned to specify the next operation. If several dongles are cascaded, every dongle will receive the request and respond to it, so it is possible the return signals interfered by one another, making the system puzzled, and will not be able to recognize the dongle.
ROCKEY4 does not currently support enveloping on DOS-based programs, only Windows-based programs can be enveloped at this point.
You will still need to install the drivers for the dongles either using the InstDrv.exe installation file or InstDLL.dll file. Otherwise, the dongles will not be able to be detected by the system and your program will give you an error. If you have already installed the proper drivers, please refer to question 2 above.
There should be no discernible difference between the two. Both are equally effective.
It is quite easy to prevent ROCKEY sharing between shared devices. Simply generate a random number when the program starts, and write this number in a specified address on ROCKEY dongle. During program execution, check the number in the specified address to verify that it is the number you had previously written. If another computer runs this program during this period, and tries to use the same dongle, a different random number will have been written to this address.
Feitian rockey4 usb что это
Feitian Rockey4 USB — это популярное устройство для защиты программного обеспечения от несанкционированного доступа. Оно обеспечивает высокую надежность и безопасность при работе с цифровыми лицензиями и защищенными файлами.
Однако, для успешного использования устройства, вам необходимо установить соответствующий драйвер на ваш компьютер. В данной статье мы расскажем, как скачать и установить Feitian Rockey4 USB драйвер x64 для операционной системы Windows 10.
Скачать драйвер вы можете с официального сайта Feitian или с других надежных ресурсов. Убедитесь, что вы выбираете версию драйвера, подходящую для вашей операционной системы и архитектуры процессора (x64).
После того, как вы скачали драйвер, откройте установочный файл и следуйте инструкциям по установке. Обычно установка драйвера происходит автоматически, но иногда может потребоваться выполнить несколько дополнительных действий.
Как скачать и установить драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 для Windows 10?
Драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 представляет собой программное обеспечение, которое необходимо для правильной работы USB-ключей Feitian Rockey4 на компьютерах под управлением операционной системы Windows 10.
Чтобы скачать и установить драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 для Windows 10, следуйте инструкциям ниже:
- Откройте веб-браузер на своем компьютере и перейдите на официальный сайт Feitian.
- Найдите раздел «Поддержка» или «Драйверы» на сайте Feitian и выберите операционную систему Windows 10.
- Найдите драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 в списке доступных драйверов и нажмите кнопку «Скачать».
- Сохраните файл драйвера на вашем компьютере.
- Найдите скачанный файл драйвера на вашем компьютере и откройте его.
- Следуйте инструкциям установщика, чтобы установить драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 на вашем компьютере.
- После завершения установки перезагрузите компьютер для применения изменений.
После перезагрузки ваш компьютер будет готов к использованию USB-ключей Feitian Rockey4. Убедитесь, что ваш USB-ключ Feitian Rockey4 подключен к компьютеру перед использованием.
Важно помнить, что скачивание и установка драйверов должны быть произведены с официального сайта Feitian, чтобы гарантировать безопасность и правильность работы.
Начало работы и предварительные условия
Перед установкой драйвера для Feitian Rockey4 USB на компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10 необходимо выполнить несколько предварительных условий.
Во-первых, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует системным требованиям для работы с Feitian Rockey4 USB. Обычно это включает в себя:
- Процессор с архитектурой x64;
- Операционную систему Windows 10;
- Свободное место на жестком диске для установки драйвера;
- Доступ к интернету для загрузки драйвера.
Во-вторых, перед установкой драйвера рекомендуется создать точку восстановления системы. Это позволит вернуть компьютер к работоспособному состоянию на случай возникновения проблем или ошибок во время установки.
Шаг | Описание |
1 | Нажмите на кнопку «Пуск» в левом нижнем углу экрана. |
2 | Выберите «Настройки» из списка доступных приложений. |
3 | В окне «Настройки» выберите раздел «Обновление и безопасность». |
4 | В левой панели выберите «Восстановление». |
5 | Под разделом «Восстановление» найдите «Создать точку восстановления» и нажмите на него. |
6 | В появившемся окне нажмите на кнопку «Создать». |
7 | Введите описание для точки восстановления и нажмите на кнопку «Создать». |
Скачивание драйвера Feitian Rockey4 USB x64
Чтобы установить и использовать Feitian Rockey4 USB драйвер x64 на компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10, вам необходимо скачать соответствующий драйвер.
Драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 можно скачать с официального сайта производителя или из надежного ресурса, предоставляющего программное обеспечение для скачивания драйверов.
При скачивании драйвера с официального сайта производителя:
- Откройте веб-браузер и перейдите на официальный сайт Feitian.
- Найдите раздел «Поддержка» или «Драйверы и загрузки».
- Внутри этого раздела найдите и выберите соответствующую модель устройства и версию операционной системы.
- Нажмите на ссылку для скачивания драйвера Feitian Rockey4 USB x64.
- Дождитесь завершения загрузки файла.
При скачивании драйвера с надежного ресурса:
- Откройте веб-браузер и найдите надежный ресурс, предоставляющий программное обеспечение для скачивания драйверов.
- Воспользуйтесь поиском на сайте, чтобы найти соответствующий драйвер для Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 и операционной системы Windows 10.
- Найдите и выберите нужный драйвер.
- Нажмите на ссылку для скачивания драйвера.
- Дождитесь завершения загрузки файла.
После того, как драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 будет скачан, вы сможете переходить к его установке на компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10.
Установка драйвера Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 для Windows 10
Перед началом установки драйвера, убедитесь, что у вас есть права администратора на компьютере, и устройство Feitian Rockey4 USB не подключено.
Для скачивания драйвера официального сайта Feitian, выполните следующие шаги:
- Откройте любой веб-браузер и перейдите на официальную страницу с загрузками Feitian Rockey4 USB драйвера.
- Найдите раздел с загрузками и выберите драйвер для Windows 10 x64.
- Нажмите на ссылку, чтобы начать загрузку драйвера.
После завершения загрузки драйвера, выполните следующие шаги для установки:
- Запустите скачанный файл драйвера (.exe) и следуйте инструкциям мастера установки.
- Во время установки убедитесь, что выбрана правильная платформа (Windows 10 x64) и следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить установку драйвера.
- После успешной установки, подключите устройство Feitian Rockey4 USB к компьютеру с помощью кабеля USB. Windows 10 автоматически обнаружит устройство и установит его драйверы.
Теперь драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB x64 установлен на вашем компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10. Вы можете пользоваться устройством Feitian Rockey4 USB без каких-либо проблем.
Убедитесь, что ваши данные в системе прошли проверку авторизации и безопасности перед использованием устройства Feitian Rockey4 USB.
Feitian Rockey4 USB Driver
ROCKEY4 is an advanced software protection system that attaches to the parallel or USB port of a computer. Your software may be duplicated, but it will only run when your ROCKEY4 dongle is attached to the computer. Your application will interact with ROCKEY4 at start-up and during runtime, No Dongle means No License to execute your software. You can also limit the use of your software which is very common in the software industry for DEMO purposes or SHAREWARE.
ROCKEY4 keys have a unique ID number, 24 (Standard), 120 (Plus), or 1000 (ND) bytes memory, 16 / 64 (ND) internal variables (modules), the possibility to define own algorithms, a simple API, and an automatic protection of Windows executables (.exe, .dll, .arx).Various license models are easy to implement using these features.
Hardware specification
8 bit CPU chip, 8 pin. Specially made for ROCKEY4 according to your requirement.
Designed for low power usage; the lowest voltage required is 2.2 voltage.
Custom-built CPU, 1024 bytes capacity program memorizer, highly intelligent with lot of functions.
Time limitation device to prevent software tracking.
Hardware specification
8 bit CPU chip, 8 pin. Specially made for ROCKEY4 according to your requirement.
Designed for low power usage; the lowest voltage required is 2.2 voltage.
Custom-built CPU, 1024 bytes capacity program memorizer, highly intelligent with lot of functions.
Feitian Rockey4 USB драйвер x64 Windows 10
Feitian rockey4 USB — это инновационное устройство, которое обеспечивает безопасность вашей информации и защиту от несанкционированного доступа. Однако для правильной работы этого устройства необходимо установить соответствующий драйвер. В данной статье вы узнаете, как скачать и установить драйвер Feitian rockey4 USB для операционной системы Windows 10 x64.
Установка драйвера Feitian rockey4 USB является важным шагом, чтобы гарантировать правильную работу устройства и полную безопасность ваших данных. Драйвер позволяет операционной системе Windows 10 x64 распознавать устройство и взаимодействовать с ним. Без установки драйвера устройство может не работать корректно или вообще не распознаваться системой.
Скачать драйвер Feitian rockey4 USB для Windows 10 x64 можно с официального сайта производителя. Для этого перейдите на страницу загрузок и найдите раздел с драйверами. Здесь вы сможете выбрать подходящий драйвер для вашей операционной системы и скачать его на компьютер. После скачивания запустите установочный файл и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить драйвер.
Установка драйвера Feitian rockey4 USB для Windows 10 x64 не займет много времени, однако это важный шаг для правильной работы устройства и обеспечения его безопасности. После установки драйвера ваше устройство будет готово к использованию и защитит ваши данные от несанкционированного доступа.
Установка драйвера Feitian rockey4 USB
Драйвер Feitian rockey4 USB необходим для работы с устройством данного типа под операционной системой Windows 10 x64. Установка драйвера позволит использовать все функции и возможности устройства.
Для установки драйвера Feitian rockey4 USB выполните следующие шаги:
- Скачайте драйвер с официального веб-сайта Feitian.
- Откройте загруженный файл драйвера.
- Следуйте инструкциям мастера установки.
- Примите лицензионное соглашение и нажмите «Далее».
- Выберите папку для установки драйвера или оставьте значение по умолчанию.
- Нажмите «Установить», чтобы начать установку драйвера.
- Дождитесь завершения установки.
- После завершения установки перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.
После перезагрузки ваше устройство Feitian rockey4 USB должно быть готово к использованию. Убедитесь, что устройство подключено к компьютеру, и проверьте его работу.
Если у вас возникают проблемы с установкой драйвера или работой устройства, обратитесь в техническую поддержку Feitian или посетите официальный веб-сайт производителя для получения дополнительной информации и решения проблем.
Описание драйвера Feitian Rockey4 USB
Драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB представляет собой программное обеспечение, необходимое для правильной работы устройства Rockey4 USB, производимого компанией Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd. Данный драйвер обеспечивает стабильную и эффективную работу Rockey4 USB на операционной системе Windows 10 x64.
Устройство Rockey4 USB является аппаратным ключом защиты, который используется для защиты программного обеспечения от несанкционированного доступа и копирования. Этот аппаратный ключ может быть подключен через интерфейс USB к компьютеру или другому устройству, поддерживающему USB.
Драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB обеспечивает правильное распознавание и взаимодействие с устройством Rockey4 USB. Он обеспечивает передачу команд и данных между устройством и операционной системой, а также обеспечивает защиту от внешних вмешательств и несанкционированного использования.
Установка драйвера Feitian Rockey4 USB на операционную систему Windows 10 x64 позволяет использовать все функции и возможности устройства Rockey4 USB. Он обеспечивает надежную защиту программного обеспечения, предотвращая несанкционированное использование и распространение.
Важно отметить, что для успешной установки драйвера Feitian Rockey4 USB требуется соответствующее устройство Rockey4 USB, подключенное к компьютеру через интерфейс USB.
Операционная система | Версия драйвера | Размер файла | Дата выпуска |
Windows 10 x64 | | 10 МБ | 01.01.2022 |
Драйвер Feitian Rockey4 USB является важным компонентом для корректной работы устройства Rockey4 USB на операционной системе Windows 10 x64. Установка и использование этого драйвера обеспечивает стабильную и безопасную работу устройства, что является особенно важным для защиты программного обеспечения от несанкционированного доступа и копирования.
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Feitian rockey4 usb драйвер x64 windows 10
ROCKEY4 is an innovative software defense system that affixeds to the parallel or USB port of a computer system. Your software application might be replicated, however it will just run when your ROCKEY4 dongle is connecteded to the computer. Your application will connect with ROCKEY4 at start-up and during runtime, No Dongle indicates No License to execute your software. You can also limit the use of your software which is very typical in the software market for DEMO functions or SHAREWARE.
When it come to software application designers providing multiple modules, ROCKEY4 permits you to safeguard approximately 16 applications per dongle at any one time (ROCKEY4ND now support 64 modules). Because every ROCKEY4 dongle has an one-of-a-kind ID, software designers can even limit the application to just permit to execution with a certain dongle.
Unlike some competing products, ROCKEY4 is in fact a powerful mini computer system, with a CPU, memory and specialized firmware that permits durable communication with your application. You may write algorithms that are firmly stored in the dongle, and then call those algorithms from time to time in your application. This method for software application protection is virtually impossible to crack. Although made for high level protection, it is likewise fairly simple to carry out.
Why Rockey4?
Low Cost
Why pay more when you can get something better at a cheaper price. ROCKEY4 costs you 50% or less than most of the competing Dongles available in the market. With ROCKEY4, you do not need to employ expensive software security experts but still enjoy high security on your software.
High Reliability
ROCKEY4 is built under a perfect customer management system in which every customer is guaranteed to own a unique password, and every dongle come with a unique hardware ID. Both the password and hardware ID are burnt into the CPU inside the dongle, it is absolutely impossible to change them, even for us – the manufacturer. On the other hand, with our high level of Quality Control during production, we are maintaining less than 0.5% faulty rate which is much more lower than the industry standard.
Protection across networks
ROCKEY4 is a well designed software protection system that comes with user friendly interface and useful sample source codes in most programming languages, so that you will have no difficulty learning how to integrate it into your software application. In most cases, just within few days a programmer can become the master of using ROCKEY4.
High Security
ROCKEY4 implements two-level security system to segregate users who need read only access from those who need administrative privileges. To combat hackers, ROCKEY4 has a built-in time gate to prevent software tracking and debugging on its protection system. In addition, ROCKEY4’s protected memory + user defined algorithm works within the dongle and is almost impossible to crack.
High Compatibility
ROCKEY4 LPT dongle is not only transparent to printers, scanners, but can also be cascaded with up to maximum of 16 dongles, even from other manufacturers. ROCKEY4 is also designed to process even very complex algorithms with minimal delay for your application. Broad support of ROCKEY4 include Operating Systems like DOS, Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP/ Server/Vista, Linux, and Mac; thus enables you to implement it onto almost any platform available in the market.
Product Detail
- Powerful CPU + Secure momory + User define Algorithms = Secure Program Calculator
- 2 levels 4×16-bit Password System
- Globally Unique Hardware ID
- Fully support IEEE1284 for maximum LPT compatibility applications
- Protect upto 16 software modules with a single dongles
- Built-in 24 bytes User Data Zone
- 32 User Definable Algorithms
- Support upto 16 ROCKEY4 dongles on the same PC
- Low level encryption to prevent Emulation and Play Back Hacking
- Time Watch Dog prevents Tracing Attack
- Password Protect System prevents Brute-Force Attack
- Ready tool include Enveloper, Editor, Data Recorder and Remote Update
Product Memory | ||
Memory Zone | Memory Zone Description | Rockey4 |
User ID Zone | User defined identifier | 32-bit |
Module Zone | Non-readable memory spaces (16) Used with arithmetic calculations | 16 modules (16-bit) |
Zero Attribute | Indicates if a module is “0” or not “0” | 16 modules (2-bit) |
Decrement Attribute | Indicates if a module can be decreased | 16 modules (2-bit) |
User Data Zone | User defined memory space | 24-byte |
User Algorithm Zone | Instruction storage for user defined algorithms | 32-instructions |
Product Hardware Specification | |
Interface Type | USB Type A, LPT |
Interface Standard | Standard USB 1.1. USB 2.0 compliant |
Processor | 8 bits CPU |
Protection Mechanism | Envelope tool |
Working Temperature | 0°C to 70°C |
Storage Temperature | -10°C to 80°C |
Cascade | Up to 16 |
Power Consumption | |
Working Voltage | V |
Working Current | |
Data Retention | At least 10 years |
Supported OS | Windows, Linux and MAC |
Latest Software Developer Kit (SDK) | ||
Detail | Size | Date |
ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 Complete SDK | Request |
API Libraries & Sample Source Codes: | ||
Detail | Size | Date |
ROCKEY4 API Samples for DOS | Request | |
ROCKEY4 16 bit API Samples for Windows | Request | |
ROCKEY4 32 bit API Samples for Windows | Request | |
NetROCKEY4 API Samples for Windows | Request |
This FAQ or frequently asked questions section will help you resolve some questions you or your customers may run into when using ROCKEY4 Software Protection products. We have listed the questions and the answers here for your reference.
The Developer’s Kit or DK is a preset package we send to developers for the purpose of evaluation. It includes one Developer’s Guide, SDK CD-ROM, and DEMO ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles. The only difference between these DEMO dongles and the commercial dongles is that their passwords are publicly known. When the user decides to purchase and use ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 after evaluation, we will provide ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles with secure and unique passwords.
The purchase code is intended for order management. You should use it if you need to reorder dongles with the same passwords as your previous order. This Purchase Code is unique for all of ROCKEY’s customers.
ROCKEY’s manufacturing process guarantees that each ROCKEY4 dongle is unique. The Hardware Identifier (HID) is a globally unique serial number that is burned into each dongle and cannot be changed by anyone, including the manufacturer. Passwords are specific to a customer and cannot be duplicated for another customer. It is our mission to protect the assets of our customers and we will requre separate security agreement with our customers if required.
Yes, it is very secure. The ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 password is actually a set of four individual passwords that authorize two security levels. The two Basic passwords authorize read-only access to the dongle. Read and Write access is authorized only with the combination of the Basic and Advanced password sets. The Advanced password set is meant for the developer and should not appear in the software that goes to the end user.
Each Dongle has 4 16-bit passwords. If a hacker wants to crack the dongle by exhaustion, the number of possible combinations is 264. If one computation takes 10-20 seconds, it would take 58 years to try every combination.
“Same-number” ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles are a set of dongles that have the same passwords. There will be a Purchase Code that corresponds to the “same-number” dongles. Most of our customers have all their respective dongles share the same password, so that they only need to compile their programs once before distribution.
The simplest way is to order new dongles with new passwords. Another way is to provide proof that you are the legitimate holder of the purchase code. Only the legitimate purchase code holder may obtain the passwords from ROCKEY.
ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 operates the parallel port through the device driver, and uses error correction technology at the communication protocol level. Therefore, it is compatible with most printers. However, there are a few models of printers that receive a large amount of current or electricity when powered off. This can cause a voltage shortfall to the dongle and result in a communication problem with the dongle driver. This problem can be easily solved by turning on the printer or removing the printer cable from the dongle.
- The older version of the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 drivers only supported normal printing modes. The newer version support normal, EPP and ECP modes. Be sure you are using the latest version of our driver. You may download the driver from our product page download section. Another solution to this problem would be to simply switch to the USB version of the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle. There is no extra programming required to switch to USB.
- The compatibility of the LPT dongle and printer may be enhanced by setting the port in the CMOS or BIOS setup to EPP or ECP. An example using the AWARD system BIOS is given below:“Reboot the computer, press the DEL key to enter CMOS Setup. Select the menu option “INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS”. Then use either PAGEUP or PAGEDOWN key to change the “Parallel Port Mode” option.”
There are emulation programs that record all of the port accesses between the dongle and the driver. The emulation software then attempts to replicate the accesses after the dongle is removed. ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 has built in countermeasure for this sort of emulation. Lower layer communications between the dongle, driver and application is encoded. There is also “random noise” applied to the protocol communications so that any information recorded by the emulation program will be invalid from session to session. In addition, emulation software of this type will not work with USB devices. You may implement your own countermeasures to enhance this protection. The judicious use of seed code protection methods will make such attacks very difficult to implement successfully.
It is quite easy to prevent data sharing devices from doing this. Just generate a random number when the program starts, and write this number in a specific address in the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle, then check for the number in that specified address when the program is running or executing to see if it is the same number you have written. If another computer is also running the program during this period, and is using the same dongle, another random number would have been written to this address.
No. According to the results of our tests, the performance difference between the simplest algorithm and the most complex is within a dozen milliseconds. You will not notice any difference as long as you do not call the algorithm too frequent.
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. Now it is a very common interface standard and is already implemented in many devices. Please visit www.usb.org for more details. Its advantages include plug and play capabilities, hot-swap support and high transfer rate. It can support up to 127 USB devices connected through extensions. USB eliminates conflict problems with printers and other peripheral devices.
No. They are fully compatible, other than the requirement that you install the USB drivers. The USB device will prompt you, automatically, to install the driver.
It may be caused by interference or bad contact points. Try unplugging the device and then plugging it in again.
It is possible that the USB support option inside the BIOS has been disabled. You can enable USB support in the CMOS functions menu when your computer is booting up.
If you are using or testing ROCKEY products, we will send our updates to you when there are any. You may also download the latest development packages and updates from our product page download section.
There are 4 possible causes for this:
A: The printer attached to ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 is powered off.
If a printer or any other peripheral device is attached to the parallel port ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4, you should turn the power of that device on. ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles require a voltage of about 2.2 volts, and this power is supplied by the mainboard through the parallel port so if a peripheral device is attached to the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle, the dongle may not receive enough power to be activated.
B: ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 does not support the parallel mode.
The diversity of computers leads to many different parallel modes, ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles support most modes, but for some special modes it is possible that the system cannot find ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4, or ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongles do not work well with them. What you need to do is change the parallel modes, eg. set the port mode in the CMOS setup to ECP. If the operating system is Windows NT/2000, you may have to reinstall the system after you have changed the parallel port modes.
C: The drivers are not properly installed.
ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 requires the installation of drivers, so the settings of drivers may affect the operation of ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4. There are 4 options when installing the drivers: “Install ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 USB driver”, “Detect-print-busy mode” and “Not-detect-print-busy mode”, we suggest users to choose “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, and “Detect-print-busy mode”. In Windows NT/2000 only the administrator has the privilege to install drivers.
D: ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 is not compatible with other devices.
The parallel port was not designed to connect many devices at the same time, and in theory only one device can be attached to the parallel port at any one time. With the users in mind, ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 was designed to allow the standard devices, such as printers and scanners, to attach to it, but we cannot guarantee that ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 is compatible with all these devices. Unplug the device attached to ROCKEY/NetROCKEY to see if it is a compatibility problem.
Perhaps the drivers are not properly installed. Please refer to solution C for Question 18.
The indicator LED may help you to find the reason for this. If the indicator is bright all the time, it indicates that the dongle works well; if it blinks once every second, it indicates that the drivers are not properly installed or something is wrong with the USB port, or the dongle is defective. If the indicator is not bright and the system prompts “Found USB Device”, it indicates the dongle is defective, otherwise there is a bad connection or something is wrong with the USB port.
To check the USB port: when you first attach ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 to the computer the system should prompt “Found USB Device” and install the drivers for it, otherwise the USB port might have problem, which is usually caused by incorrect installation of the drivers for the USB controller or the USB function is disabled in CMOS setup, or there is a hardware failure in the USB port of the mainboard. You should test the USB port with another USB device, such as a USB mouse.
Because the parallel or LPT port ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 works between the computer and peripheral device, it is affected by both of them. The number one cause for ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 damage is because of over-voltage. In order to avoid damage by this, you should make sure that the ground wire is connected to the ground, and it is also connected to the computer casing. When you connect the devices together, you should turn off the power in advance. If you cannot connect the ground wire to the ground, then you should turn off the power and unplug the power plugs in advance to avoid power operation problems.
When users have several applications protected with different ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4s, they may cascade these dongles together. In most cases there is no problem for them to work together, but sometimes when you try to use one application you are given the message “Can not find ROCKEY”.
When system sends its request to ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4, a value will be returned to specify the next operation. If several dongles are cascaded, every dongle will receive the request and respond to it, so it is possible the return signals interfered one another, making the system confused, thus make it cannot recognize the dongle.
If restarting the computer solves this problem, it indicates that you did not set a value for p3 and p4 when you wrote the program. So after a period of time it returns the error “Too many dongles opened”, and you cannot open it again. Set a value, such as “0”, to p3 and p4 to resolve this problem. If restarting your computer does not resolve the problem, then some of the possibilities are: the dongle is defective, your computer is infected with a virus, the parallel port settings have been changed, some other device is attached to the ROCKEY4/NetROCKEY4 dongle, or the system has been reinstalled.
This section provides some troubleshooting suggestion related to technical support issues arises from end user implementation on ROCKEY4.
Useful Tips for Diagnosing ROCKEY4 problems, please try below before proceed to the FAQs.
Step 1 : Unplug ROCKEY4 dongle from PC, uninstall ROCKEY4 driver completely and reboot the system.
Step 2 : Reinstall ROCKEY4 driver, please make sure you are using latest ROCKEY4’s driver, to download click download tab above.
Step 3 : Plug ROCKEY4 to the PC and run ROCKEY4 Editor to change on the dongle, if ROCKEY4 is found, then ROCKEY4’s driver is working fine. Else uninstall -> reboot -> reinstall -> reboot then repeat Step 3. If problem, try with another port or PC.
For the error -1, it means that the error is an unknown error, but it is not serious, such as when a PC hangs or freezes, you only have to restart it and if that does not solve the problem you have to look for alternative solutions.
There can be several possible causes for this:
A: The printer attached to ROCKEY4 is powered off.
If a printer or any other peripheral device is attached to the parallel port ROCKEY4, you should turn the power of that device on. ROCKEY4 dongles require a voltage of about 2.2 volts, and this power is supplied by the mainboard through the parallel port, so if a peripheral device is attached to the ROCKEY4 dongle, the dongle may not receive enough power to be activated.
B: ROCKEY4 does not support the parallel mode.
The diversity of computers leads to many different parallel modes, ROCKEY4 dongles support most modes, but for some special modes it is possible that the system cannot find ROCKEY4, or ROCKEY4 dongles do not work well with them. What you need to do is to change the parallel modes, eg. set the port mode in the CMOS setup to ECP or vice versa. If the operating system is Windows NT/2000, you may have to reinstall the driver after you have changed the parallel port modes.
C: The drivers are not properly installed.
ROCKEY4 requires the installation of drivers, so the settings of drivers may affect the operation of ROCKEY4. There are 4 options when installing the drivers: “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, “Detect-print-busy mode” and “Not-detect-print-busy mode”, we suggest users to choose “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, and “Detect-print-busy mode”. In Windows NT/2000 only the administrator has the privilege to install drivers.
D: ROCKEY4 is not compatible with other devices.
The parallel port is not designed to connect many devices at the same time, and in theory only one device can be attached to the parallel port at any one time. With the users in mind, ROCKEY4 was designed to allow the standard devices, such as printers and scanners, to attach to it, but we cannot guarantee that ROCKEY4 is compatible with all these devices. Unplug the device to see if it is a compatibility problem.
E: ROCKEY4 is not compatible with certain PCI-based Parallel Add-on cards
Another issue is that ROCKEY4 LPT cannot work with certain PCI-based parallel port cards. ROCKEY4 will treat the card as a sort of hack attack and therefore refuse to communicate with it or the card does not supply enough power to the dongle for it to operate efficiently. If this is the case, we suggest using a USB port ROCKEY4 instead.
F: There may be a driver or software conflict on the system
Sometimes, the PC drivers may be conflicted or it may be conflict with any of the programs although this is highly rare. Solution: Restart the PC and run the program again. If it still cannot run, try starting up the PC with minimal drivers and programs and check to see if it can run. If it can, this means that it is a software conflict.
G: Driver is busy
This error can occur when the driver or dongle is busy and/or communications between the dongle and PC are interrupted. To rectify this situation, you can add a loop to your program when checking for the dongle. This will ensure that the program will check for the dongle more than once and be able to recognize it properly.
ROCKEY4 requires the installation of drivers, so the settings of drivers may affect the operation of ROCKEY4. There are 4 options when installing the drivers: “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, “Detect-print-busy mode” and “Not-detect-print-busy mode”, we suggest users to choose “Install ROCKEY parallel driver”, “Install ROCKEY USB driver”, and “Detect-print-busy mode”. In Windows NT/2000 only the administrator has the privilege to install drivers.
The indicator LED may help you to find the reason for this. If the indicator is lit all the time, it indicates that the dongle works well; if it blinks once every second, it means drivers are not installed or something wrong with the USB port; otherwise the dongle is defective. If the indicator is not lit at all and the system prompts “Found USB Device”, it indicates the dongle is defective, otherwise there is a bad connection or something wrong with the USB port.
To check the USB port: when you first attach ROCKEY4 to the computer the system should prompt “Found USB Device” and install the drivers for it, otherwise the USB port must have a problem, which is usually caused by the incorrect installation of the drivers for the USB controller or the USB function is disabled in CMOS setup, or there is a hardware failure in the USB port of the mainboard. You may test the USB port with another USB device, such as a USB mouse.
ROCKEY works fine with most USB hubs. On rare occasions the dongle may not be detected through the hub due to inadequate output voltage. Please check the integrity of the USB port by trying a different USB device in the same port. For USB 2.0 hubs in particular, please make sure that the power supply is connected.
It may be caused by interference or bad contact points. Try unplugging the device and then plugging it in again.
It is possible that the USB support option inside the BIOS has been disabled. You can enable USB support in the CMOS functions menu when your computer is booting up.
Although the file RYDLL32.DLL is under the same directory as the program, FoxPro and VB programs will only search for DLLs under the system directory, so you should copy the file RYDLL32.DLL into the system directory.
When users have several applications protected with different ROCKEY4s, they may cascade these dongles together. In most cases there are no problem for them to work together, but sometimes when you try to use one application you are given the message “Cannot find ROCKEY”.
- When the system sends its request to ROCKEY4, a value will be returned to specify the next operation. If several dongles are cascaded, every dongle will receive the request and respond to it, so it is possible the return signals interfered by one another, making the system puzzled, and will not be able to recognize the dongle.
ROCKEY4 does not currently support enveloping on DOS-based programs, only Windows-based programs can be enveloped at this point.
You will still need to install the drivers for the dongles either using the InstDrv.exe installation file or InstDLL.dll file. Otherwise, the dongles will not be able to be detected by the system and your program will give you an error. If you have already installed the proper drivers, please refer to question 2 above.
There should be no discernible difference between the two. Both are equally effective.
It is quite easy to prevent ROCKEY sharing between shared devices. Simply generate a random number when the program starts, and write this number in a specified address on ROCKEY dongle. During program execution, check the number in the specified address to verify that it is the number you had previously written. If another computer runs this program during this period, and tries to use the same dongle, a different random number will have been written to this address.